Why I’m Not on Substack as a Writer
Okay, real talk, I’m lowkey writing this to remind myself not to get caught up in the allure and move over to writing on Substack. I did write on Substack for a while and there were benefits. I won’t lie. It is tempting. It is hot right now. And it might continue being hot, but here’s why I’m sticking to this website.
Is Writing Your Operating System?
The other day, I thought, “What if writing is my operating system?” It’s the program through which I filter all my thoughts and ideas. I write for myself privately. I also write in public with these blogs. When I took that idea further, I came up with a list of reasons why writing is a great operating system, or program, that can be downloaded and used for a variety of purposes.
Andrea Jacobsen’s Wisdom on Art & Business
Every month, I jump on a call with Andrea Jacobsen, a popular and talented painter who I’m fortunate to call my friend. On our call this month, I took feverish notes. It’s magical when Andrea starts telling me the answers I’ve been seeking. Here are my top takeaways from our recent chat.
What Happens If You Don’t Answer Your Calling?
Modern life is demanding and our time can be fractured in a million ways. If we allow it, our interests can completely fall to the wayside, which got me thinking: what would happen if I let my interest in writing slide?
How to Create a Street Team for Your Book Launch
A street team is comprised of close family and friends who are interested in helping you boost book sales. The goal is to develop a strong team of people who are willing to review your book, post about your book on social media, and share the book with as many people as they know. It’s not only a helpful marketing tool, but it also provides you with community and support throughout your book launch.
Are You Ready to Pitch to Literary Agents?
I finished writing the first draft of my novel in the beginning of March 2020, and I’ve been giving this question a lot of thought: how do you know you’re ready to pitch?
How Does Reese Witherspoon Pick Books for Her Book Club
As a writer, I’m always trying to better understand the publishing industry and what makes a book sell. Celebrity book clubs definitely help sales, but how is Reese choosing each book? Is she paying attention to certain industry signals? Using the Publishers Marketplace search engine, I looked up all 51 adult books that Reese has selected and analyzed them. Here’s what I found.
Self-Editing: How to Edit Your Novel
I have a 70k-word manuscript that needed polishing this summer, so I created an editing method that breaks it down into bite-sized, manageable steps. First, I broke it down into two types of edits: developmental and line edits.
Writing Submission Tracker
I have a 70k-word manuscript that needed polishing recently, so I created an editing method that breaks it down into bite-sized, manageable steps. First, I broke it down into three types of edits: developmental, line edits, and copyedits.
Marketing Channels for Writers
How you market your book will depend on how you’re publishing your book. For those who are self-publishing, you’ll likely run all of your marketing campaigns for your book. This post is going to assume you’re responsible for your own book sale growth. Even as a traditionally published author, there’s always more you can do to market your book yourself.